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Abruzzo Houses For Sale in Roccacasale (AQ) - Italy
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Roccacasale (AQ) - Italy: Properties for sale

"Roccacasale.net" is the place where Owners or Agencies present a wide range of properties for sale in the Village of Roccacasale AQ (Italy): houses new, restored or to be restored, can be a solution for those looking for a stable home or just for holiday in a beautiful natural environment enhanced by the hospitality and friendliness of the inhabitants. Roccacasale is one of the most beautiful Villages of Abruzzo, the medieval town, which preserves much of the original structure, developed at the foot of the ancient Castle; the new settlements have taken place increasingly downstream outlining a Village that unfolds along a large highly scenographic slope and offers a breathtaking view of the entire Peligna Valley.

Our Offers


Context and logistics

The town of Roccacasale has about 800 inhabitants, 450 m . asl in a very sunny and has a few shops, bars , restaurants , post office and municipal parking lots , in the context of the “Morrone / Majella”  National Park with nearby forests , plateaus , springs, shelters equipped and  interesting remains of ancient settlements . Especially in summer are organized many cultural and recreational events of large resonance . The nearby town of Sulmona is also reachable by bus within minutes , using the car you can arrive  in 5 ' to the " Pratola - Sulmona " gate of the A25 motorway. The big city of Pescara with the airport and the beaches of the Adriatic Sea are at 50 ', the biggest ski centers at 40', Rome is at 90 '.




      Municipality                       Pro-Loco                       Institutional          Peligna Mountain Community        Abruzzo Culture


WelcometoSulmona     Photographs by C. Torelli       abruzzoparks          housearoundabruzzo    


In 2017, the 2000th anniversary of the death of Ovidio

Sulmona meets Boston to celebrate the 2000th anniversary of the death of Ovidio https://blog.abruzzolink.com/2015/11/20/sulmona-meets-boston-to-celebrate-the-2000-anniversary-of-the-death-of-ovidio/

Lands of Peligni, operational union of five Municipalities.

RAIANO - Become operating the Union of Municipalities "Terre Peligni". The Towns of Corfinio, Prezza, Raiano, Roccacasale and Vittorito, in their respective municipal councils have approved the memorandum and articles of association of the new entity that will have legal personality and will make...

Wines of Roccacasale and surroundings

"Terre Aquilane IGP", "Montepulciano d'Abruzzo DOP", "Abruzzo DOP" are some of the names of wines produced in the territory. roccacasale.virgilio.it/food/vini-vino_rosso

The 103 years of the grandmother who loves soap operas

ROCCACASALE. Her name is Bianca Taddei and still looks at the fotoromanzi, recalling plots and characters. So far nothing unusual except that the grandmother in question has just turned off the 103 candles. https://ilcentro.gelocal.it/laquila/cronaca/

Retire under the italian sun!

From January 1st  2019 you can also benefit of a great tax incentive if you are a pensioner moving to Italy.

Italian 2019 budget law introduced a new 7% flat tax on foreigner income for individuals who move to Italy starting from 2019. In order to qualify, you need:

- Have a foreign pension

- Have beeen a resident of a foreign Country in the previous 5 years

- Move to south Italy (little towns, Abruzzo is included)


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